Archive for May, 2011

The Last Day

May 25th, 2011

Well, here we are or at least am I still here. Did I miss it? Did it happen? I can’t help but wonder did this last guy even feel bad for the people that believed what he was telling them?  The short answer NO! He’s busy trying to come up with another date, reworking the calculation,  so he can continue to perpertrate the lie that keeps the scheme going.  It was never God’s Plan for the bible to make us mindless, he gave us.
His Word and The Holy Spirit.
He gave us a map and a guide, Yet people make it so hard The Gospel is very simple. And God is a capable  teacher. You need to learn to think for yourself. As a pastor I have the privledge to teach the bible every week and I do my very best to study and pray to find out what God is saying through whatever Text we maybe studying, but that is no substitute for what the Holy Spirit can teach you. There are a lot of good spirit filled bible teachers out there and they all get it from the same place you can. You should never accept as truth what somebody tells you until you have done the work of seeking the truth for yourself. Shame on you for lying to God’s people and making a mockery of the Gospel. My advice to you for your Last Day is to be ready today. Ask the Lord Jesus Christ in to your heart, give him your life and allow the Holy Spirit to guide you into all truth and that way you will be ready no matter when The Last Day comes and thats the way I see it in my market.


May 10th, 2011

I hope you guy’s had a chance to connect with your mom this past mother’s day. Wendy had the message on Sunday and the overall theme was Loving the unloved and wanting the unwanted, and I can’t help but think that of all the work that a mom has to do, helping a child feel wanted and loved has to be at the top of the list.
Just think of all the issuses that could be avoided if all the children felt loved by their mom. It is a sad commentary, but the hard truth is there are kid’s all over the world that are in desperate need of someone to love them.
“Being unwanted, unloved, uncared for, forgotten by everybody, I think is a much greater hunger, a much greater poverty than the person who has nothing to eat” Mother Teresa.
If you ever want to see the face of Jesus just look for someone who has no one to love them, no one who wants them. Jesus said” If you do it for one of the least of these you did it to me”

WHY THEN, Why does the Church of Jesus Christ have such a hard time doing this??????

I think one reason is lack of the Holy Spirit’s influence in our lives. If we could learn to follow, It would be really very simple Jesus said ” follow me and I will make you fishers of men” and the same place He lead the twelve He is leading us, Just look at the Gospels. Jesus always ended up with all the “wrong” people, and that is what keeps the body of Christ from being as effective as we could be We are afraid to follow because Jesus doesn’t tell us where he is going.

We have to want what God wants, If we really want to see God’s supernatural power evident in our lives we have to learn to be lead by God’s Holy Spirit. And thats the way I see it in my market.


May 4th, 2011

We are starting a new series on the family @ MPC so for the next 8 weeks we will be talking about God’s principles for healthy families. In order for life to work the way it is suppose to the family has to work and when the family doesn’t work life doesn’t work.

Today the family comes in a wide variety of forms: single, divorced, single parent, living with grandparents, adoption, blended, church family. This is for sure that the idea of “what a family is” has changed and is still changing. With all of the difficult circumstances these family’s face God’s plan for the family has not. It was his idea and he cares deeply for your family, so what do we do when so many of our families are messed up?

One Word: WORK

Family that functions correctly take’s work Thomas Edison said “Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work”
Great families don’t just happen they require work.

What does your investment look like in your family??????

In Marks gospel we can read the story of the people bringing the kid’s to Jesus so that he would bless them (Mark chapter 10:13) but the disciples where trying to keep them away. Jesus saw what was happening and the Bible tells us He was “Indignant” and put a stop to what was going on.
As we read the account of this story we can pick out Godly principles of how to raise healthy kids. Here are three:
1. Loving touch: “the people were bringing little children to Jesus to have him touch them…..”
Our kids need our loving touch.
2. Abundant time. “Let the little children come to me.” They need time with us, real time not only quality but quantity as well.
3. Encouraging talk. “and he took the children in his arms, put his hands on them and blessed them.” Learn to speak life over your kids.
Healthy kids don’t just happen you have to make a substantial investment of your life in theirs.
And thats the way I see it in my market.