Archive for March, 2012

Can you Fly?

March 6th, 2012

This Sunday at the end of my message the Holy Spirit reminded me of something. There was a time in my life that I thought I could fly, or at leased I dreamed I could. What happen’s to our dreams as we grow up?
Why do we give up on the impossible, the outrageous? When I was 8 I dreamed of flying, being the hero, I rode horse’s into battle, and hunted bears, I thought Greatness was in reach, and then people started to laugh at my dreams and I was told to grow up and face the real world. I think this must have been how Joseph felt when God gave him a dream, when he shared it with his family?? Not possible, ridiculous, Who do you think you are?

It is clear in Scripture that GOD gave him the dream. Can I make an observation? I have been reading the Bible for awhile how and I have yet to find an example of God giving anyone a ordinary dream, please correct me if I am wrong.

something happen’s to US when we quit following GOD”S given dream for our life. I long time ago I gave up on the dreams of my childhood and started dreaming of being ordinary. wanting to fit in rather than stand out. I am at a place in my life that I am ready to trade my dreams for God’s dreams.

Man! think with me about Abraham, Moses, Noah, and what about Peter, James, John, and Paul. They treaded in their Life for God’s Life and look what happened! I think I can! oh, Fly that is. Can you?

What would you really be giving up to trade your life for HIS? I think the realest life we can live is seeing God’s dream and saying to ourself, yea I am going for IT! And thats the way I see it in my market.