A dead man has no ambitions.

November 8th, 2011

I have been thinking a lot about what it looks like to be a disciple of Christ and as I cruise around in the New Testament I have begun to realize there is something missing?.  Not only in my life but, in the body of Christ as I know it. It seems that there is a lot of ambition in the church today and if we a really honest it’s not because we want to exalt God. I think it bears remembering that Our God: The Creator of Everything Has NO desire to share HIS Glory with ANYONE. Yet we continue to allow Pride, Pride in ourselves, Pride in our Abilities, Our homes, Our churches and in Our Past accomplishment to disguise itself as HUMILITY.  

The Bible clearly teaches that “God opposes the proud, But gives grace to the humble”

And that brings me to my point- A dead man has no ambitions.

I think this is what the apostle Paul was talking about when wrote  “The world has been crucified to me and I to the world” 

I think we forget to easily what it was to be crucified: personal humiliation that can not be described, Pain beyond anyone one’s ability to bear that always ends in death, everything is taken from you and you  can’t do anything about it.

And yet Jesus said ” If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself, take up his cross and follow me.”

Dr. A.W. Tozer wrote what it meant to be crucified ” To be crucified means three things…….

1.  The man on the cross is facing only one direction ….
2.  He is not going back and…..
3.  He has no further plans of his own…..”

 A dead man is no longer divided in his heart, A dead man is finished with his old life, A dead man has no plans of his own.

As long as we are full of ourselves we will be empty of God and we will only have a form of godliness and lack the power to change our self or our world. Can you say with Paul  “I have been crucified with Christ”????

Do you think that it could be possible that our Lord Jesus himself expects this from us? I know The Holy  Spirit has a lot of work to do the question is will we let Him  and that’s the way I see it in my market.

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